Upload react native build to testFlight
1. open ios/ {projectname}.xcworkspace in xcode
2.login with apple account in xcode

3.open signing & capabilities and add bundle identifier

4.check automatically manage signing
5.visit https://developer.apple.com/
6.login with apple account
7.click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
8.if Identifiers not register, than click on Identifiers and Register a new identifier
— go to https://appstoreconnect.apple.com and add new app with identifiers
9.than click on Certificates,
10. create these certificates if not available.other wise download and import in keychain
— Development certificates
— IOS Development certificates
— iOS Distribution
— Distribution
11.how to create .certSigningRequest for create certSigningRequest
— open keychain
— click request a certificate from a certificate Authority and enter email ,click on save in disk and click on continue

12 select Any IOS Device as shown in picture

13. than click on Archive

14. After complete Archive .validate build. than distribute app
15.After distribution .goto https://appstoreconnect.apple.com
16.click test flight .submit app for review .than its available for testing